Hello everyone. I must ask if there is anyone here who can advise me about shipping excess baggage to Chile. I travel extensively for my job, and the trip that is due to begin next week, I will be traveling from my home office here in Rome, Italy, to Chile. Since I will be there for several weeks, I am taking more of my own things as well as the items that is required for my work. This means I will have a lot of baggage to take and that will cost a lot of money. In order for me to be sure that your company has the shipping package that I need, I must ask that you send some information to my email address for me to review. Please include how you base your charges and what those charges are. Please also include when you will deliver my baggage to the destination. I would also like to know what your lost and damaged policy is as well. I appreciate your sending this information. I will contact you as soon as I have had the chance to look it over.