My company must ship a couple of pallets of materials. This shipment will originate from just outside of Moscow, Russia and we want to ship it by international road freight to Croatia. Since this shipment consists of less than truckload, I would ask how much you will charge to complete the delivery? Both pallets weigh a total of 121 kilograms. The freight is ready for shipment, so if your company provides pickup service in our area, then please contact us asap to arrange for a pickup. What is your best estimate as to when you can deliver this freight to Croatia? When you send your shipping information, please include your current rates, shipping schedules, claims policy, and any other information that may be necessary to do business with your company. Please also include whether you can arrange for a return shipment from the consignee. This may be unnecessary, but there may be a potential for a return. We want to send this shipment with your company within the next couple of days. Is this possible? Thank you for sharing your shipping information.