Hello and good day to you all. I must inquire into express international shipping to Egypt from those companies who offer the service. I am shipping one package that is dimensioned 10 inches in length by 6 inches wide by 4 inches deep. It weighs 3 pounds including the packaging. The package must be delivered by the end of next week. Can you complete this delivery by then? How much will you charge for this shipment? If you would also include with the information you send, a copy of your overall shipping terms that also includes your claims policy. I am shipping from El Paso, Texas, in the United States. Where can I drop off this package for shipping? What hours are your shipping office open for business? Why should I ship with your company over another shipping company? Do you offer guaranteed delivery? If so, is that an added fee? Will only the recipient be allowed to sign for the package? Or will anyone be allowed to sign for it? Thanks for sending me this information as soon as possible.