I am planning to move from France to Guinea next month and I need information from household international movers to Guinea. So if your company handles these kinds of household moves, then please email your company's information as soon as possible. Although this move is considered as being temporary, there are many of my possessions that I want to move with me to Guinea. Of course, I want to move my bedroom furnishings. I will also want to move most of my living room furnishings as well. Perhaps some of the most important items that I must move include some office equipment such as a couple of computers and a printer. Can your company pack these items in order to protect them from damage during the move? Can you also guarantee they will not be damaged? Do you have a standard rate for moving this distance, or do you base your charges on some other formula? Thanks for sending me this information as soon as possible. Since this is such a lengthy move, I want to have everything planned as far in advance as possible.