Greetings. My company must send a shipment of office paper from Rome, Italy, to Vienna, Austria. Our normal shipping mode is presently unavailable so we must inquire into other means of international road freight to Austria. This shipment is not urgent, but it does need to be delivered by this time next week. Therefore, we would appreciate a prompt response to our inquiry. The shipment consists of 20 pallets of prepackaged, and presorted, office paper for use in a typical office setting. The weight of this shipment is approximately 17 kilos. We have the shipment ready for immediate loading onto your equipment. Please inform us as to when you will have the equipment available for pickup. Please also include the price of your delivery services as well as an estimated time for delivery at our customer in Vienna. Of course, also include your normal information packet as we will be interested in reviewing that as well. I have provided my own company email address for your convenience in contacting me direct. I thought this would be the most efficient method for us to communicate with this initial contact.