International Movers to Korea (South)
My wife is being transfered to the U.S. naval base in South Korea next month. While the military is quite good at moving its personnel, there are some household items that we need to have international movers to South Korea move for us. These items will include 2 sofas, 3 end tables, a kitchen set, dining room furniture that includes a round table 6 chairs, and a hutch. We will only have one king-sized bed to move, but it is a water bed so it must be packed with care so as to not damage the water bladders. We also have a couple of computers and several boxes of other household items to move as well. What are your company's estimates for moving to South Korea from Pensacola, Florida? We also need information about packing materials and the pricing of those materials if your company can provide them. We need to have this move completed reasonably quick, as I want our transition to our new temporary home to proceed as smoothly as possible. Thank you for emailing me with your information. We do appreciate it.