Printers On Demand is a high quality printing shop based here in England. We supply all of Europe and North America with a wide array of paper goods, such as flyers, brochures, post cards and business cards, among other items. We are currently looking for a new shipping company to handle the Belgium territory because our last contractor has gone belly up. We need to rectify this service as soon as possible to minimize the down time to the area. Our service contract will be expiring when they officially close their doors, which is in three weeks time. Please submit your pricing quotes for shipping based on timing of delivery, weight of the packages and shipping sizes. Also please supply us with any regulations or terms and conditions your company works with so that our legal department can review them in a timely manner seeing how we are fighting against the clock here. Given out time crunch, we fully intend to be making our decision with a week's time so that we can have some overlap in service.