Shipping rate USA to Russia
Hello. I would like to ask for your shipping to USA rates. I am from Boston, USA and the package that I will be sending contains a few pairs of shoes for my younger brother. He is based in Saint Petersburg, Russia for three years now and I want to give him something for his birthday this coming month. The shoes that I’ll be sending will be about 2 pairs of sneakers and 3 pairs of basketball shoes. I think they would all fit in 1 large box and I think they would not be that heavy. By the way, how many days would it take for the shipment to arrive? I want them to be shipped out in about 4 days because I may add a few things inside the box like shirts or something else. I hope that you will reply to this message. This is my first time to send a package because I usually go to Russia myself. This year, I won’t get to go there so I would be shipping my gifts instead. Thank you. Please contact me soon.